Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let A Million Men March

Let A Million Men March

Let them march
one million strong
march their fears out the sands of time
march four hundred years of American slime and mud off their feet
march chains off their brains
march insane to sane
march for ancestors of middle passage and triangular trade
for Nat Turner Vesey Prosser Tubman
for the living and the yet unborn
for wives children
forgotten abused abandoned
for the joy of reconciliation reunion
for brotherhood sorely lacking and urgently requested
march for a new community of respect peace and unconditional love
transcending hate and violence
violence in the streets and violence in the home
march against drive by killings and turf war
yu want turf my brother
march for land and reparations
let them march let them parade
for spiritual powr and material satisfaction
for sober thoughts and sober actions
march to end mind altered states
march to the White House gates
announce the New Man has arrived
the slave died an unnatural death
the clown is dead
tom is dead
we have de cupped the beggars
tying their hands
those who oppose us
get back in the alley
shut up your chatter
let them march home
by the waterfall of unity
sun of brotherhood
river of responsibility.
--Marvin X

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